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Dear all, Im searching copies of the papers listed below.

I dont need complete copies of the most of them, only pages deals with Spirorbidae and general data (Introduction, Material & methods).

Thank you for advance.

My address: Rzavsky A.V., Khamovnicheskij val 32, Moskow, 119048, Russia

119048, , , . 32, . 86, ..


Abello P., Gili J.M., Villanueva R. 1992 Relationships between the deep-sea crab Bathynectes piperitus and its associated epifauna. FIRST-EUROPEAN-CRUSTACEAN-CONFERENCE,-PARIS,-AUGUST-31-SEPTEMBER-5,-1992,-ABSTRACTS.#PREMIERE-CONFERENCE-EUROPEENNE-SUR-LES-CRUSTACES,-PARIS,-31-AOUT-5-SEPTEMBRE-1992,-RESUMES.

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Day J.H. 1934 On a collection of South African Polychaeta, with a catalogue of the species recorded from South Africa, Angola, Mosambique and Madagascar. J. Linn. Soc.Zool., Lond. 39(1): 15-82. ( )

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Day J.H. 1963 The Polychaete fauna of South Africa. Part 8. New species and records from grab samples and dredgings. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. 10(7): 383-445. ( )

Day J.H., Hutchings P. 1979 An annotated check-list of Australian and New Zealand Polychaeta, Archiannelida and Myzostomida. Rec. Austr. Mus. 32(3): 80-161. ( )

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